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CHAOTICA 6in Action Figure




The daughter of Lady Death and the black knight Ravenheart, Vivian and her twin brother Gunnar were kidnapped by the demon sorcerer Séance months after their birth. Through unknown circumstances, she was separated from her brother and adopted by a French diplomat and his American socialite wife. As her family traveled the globe, Vivian discovered her innate supernatural abilities and taught herself the mystic arts. Taking on the guise of Chaotica, she tested her powers against paranormal predators until she was recruited by the organization, The Sworn.



Copyright © 2023 Coffin Characters, LLC
Chaotica and related logos, characters, names, and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks or registered trademarks of Coffin Characters, LLC. 



28 points of articulation

2 energy weapons

2 energy affects

2 grip hands

2 open hands

2 fists

Removable cowl


Box dimensions : 16x24x7cm

Box weight: 255 grams

Carton Dimension : 49.5×43×50cm

Carton weight: 10.5kg approx.

Contents: 36 boxes/carton



15% charge from the total order amount for canceled orders because production is due to preorder sales.


Shipping costs may increase from the time you place the order and when the item ships.


Please note our system does not charge shipping costs for each individual item when ordering more than one item for one order. Items with different release dates will require additional shipping cost when each item ordered after the first item is shipped.



Items listed on this site may have small parts and therefore may present a choking hazard to children under the age of 4.
Note To Our Customers: Website orders are processed through PayPal. You have the option to use your credit card or Paypal. Select your option when chekcing out.  Please contact Executive Replicas at if you have any questions.  
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